by Admin | Sep 10, 2020 | Building and Grounds Minutes
BUILDING & GROUNDS – SEPT. 8, 2020 PRESENT: Kate Pfaendtner, Brad Gasper, Warren Winter, Tom Zillges, Dave Smolinski, Betts Nikolai, Jan Olson, Rick Pierre Kate opened meeting with a prayer. Minutes from March 14 (last time we met in person) were reviewed and...
by Admin | Feb 18, 2020 | Building and Grounds Minutes
Buildings and Grounds May 2020 Report The work on the sanctuary continues. Highlights are as follows: John Abraham and Rick Pierre shampooed the carpets. Betts Nikolai and Janet Olson are waxing the floors. Marie Lesnick had a plaque made to document the memorial...
by Admin | Jan 23, 2020 | Building and Grounds Minutes
Lord of the Lakes Church Buildings & Grounds Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 14, 2020 Kate Pfandtner opened meeting with Prayer at 6:33 P.M. The following were present: Kate Pfaendtner, Warren Winter, Daryl Ramlow, Rick Pierre, Lou Zwicky, Dave Smolinski, Ben...
by Admin | Dec 17, 2019 | Building and Grounds Minutes
BUILDING & GROUNDS MINUTES: December 10, 2019. PRESENT: Kate Pfaendtner, Rick Pierre, Lou Zwicky, Warren Winter, Dave Smolinski, Betts Nikolai, Brad Gasper, Tom Zillges, Jan Olson Kate opened the meeting at 6:30 with a prayer. There were no visitors. BUNN...
by Admin | Nov 18, 2019 | Building and Grounds Minutes
BUILDINGS & GROUNDS MINUTES: 11-12-19 PRESENT: Kate Pfaendtner, Brad Gasper, Warren Winter, Rick Pierre, Jan Olson, Betts Nikolai, Tom Zillges, Lou Zwicky: Kate opened the meeting with a prayer. She than introduced guest presenters, Alec Bricco and his...
by Admin | Oct 18, 2019 | Building and Grounds Minutes
Building & Grounds Minutes – Oct. 8, 2019 Present: Betts Nikolai, Daryl Ramlow, Lou Zwicky, Dave Smolinski, Tom Zillges, Kate Pfaendtner, Rick Pierre, Warren Winter, Brad Gasper, Jan Olson Kate opened meeting at 6:30 with a prayer and then introduced herself to...