BUILDING & GROUNDS MINUTES:  December 10, 2019. 

PRESENT:  Kate Pfaendtner, Rick Pierre, Lou Zwicky, Warren Winter, Dave Smolinski, Betts Nikolai, Brad Gasper, Tom Zillges, Jan Olson

Kate opened the meeting at 6:30 with a prayer.  There were no visitors.

BUNN COFFEE MAKER:  Purchased and set-up in the Breakfast Bar area along with various coffee supplies now stored in that area.  There are directions on use posted in the area along with a note to keep it plugged in.  Kate will ask Doris to track energy bills for the first month to see if the coffee maker heating water intermittently causes a large jump in cost.  If so, we will then go to having it unplugged and it will need to be plugged in at least 20 minutes prior to use.  A huge thank you to the anonymous donor of this coffee maker.  To give us a jump start, we also have a large supply of prepacked packets of coffee – donated by a 2nd anonymous donor.  Kate is working with Jill/Ellen with a process of ordering coffee and other kitchen supplies on-line. 

ELECTRICAL UPGRADE:  deferred until Daryl is present.  In the interim, Kate will try to meet with Daryl and Warren re:  electrical needs. 

FIBER OPTIC CABLE: in Sanctuary.  Brad is costing out supplies.  Actual installation will depend on when we rent the aerial lift. 

EAST DOOR REPLACEMENT:  Per Tom, it is ready to be installed and now awaiting warmer weather – perhaps the end of this week.  That will cause that area to be open for some time but can be done in one day.  The repair will also include the south wall next to the door which is covered by sheet rock right now.  Per Warren, this was from a previous frozen/broken water pipe repair. 

CARPET CLEANER: Per Betts, John Abraham states the machine is in working order but is having difficulty getting the dry cleaner that goes with this machine.  Betts states she found another product on-line and will be checking with John if this will work.  Otherwise, John is still trying to find the product that goes with the machine though it has been ordered and is on back order. 

SANCTUARY CEILING:  Kate reported Ed Veith is recommending using a latex, very rapid drying, non-splatter paint but unsure if it will cover the discolored areas.  He will try putting a small area on to see if it covers.  The alternative is an oil-based paint which will cause increased weight on the ceiling as well as be difficult to work with due to splatter and weight and need for use of respirators and other safety gear to install.  We still don’t have an answer re: paint interrupting the acoustical properties of the ceiling. More research needed: 

Kate to research a bid on ceiling replacement versus cost of paint with Ed donating his labor.  Kate will also check with the Director at the Winneconne PAC to see his knowledge or a recommendation of who to contact re: acoustic concern.   She will also make contact with Dave Williamson who was involved with initial choice of this ceiling. 

Brad to research cost of Lift with articulating arm rental as well as cost and logistics of putting collars on diffusor plates to help divert the heat and air blowing directly on the ceilings. 

DEFFERED MAINTENANCE:  HVAC – per Brad, Ryf will be getting back to us with quotes on replacement of furnaces and air conditioners. It will likely be a while as this is their busy season.   ELECTRICAL – as above with Kate meeting with Daryl and Warren.

HALLWAY PAINTING:  Still not completed.  Betts will continue to try to get an answer from Ray.

BRAD’S REPORT:  In addition to routine duties, he installed the 2 speakers in the Gathering Space, replaced various bulbs in our Christmas decorations, helped greatly with getting the church decorated for Christmas, and met with the Alarm Testing company.  In that process we queried him about putting partitions in the basement for the Boy Scout project and as long as the partitions don’t go all the way to the ceiling, it should be fine re: location and fire codes. 

Meeting closed at 7:20.

NEXT MEETING:  January 14 at 6:30 pm.  Jan will be gone Jan., Feb., and March so someone else will need to do minutes. 

Recorder, Jan Olson