Helping You Grow Your Faith

We are a family of faith, celebrating Jesus Christ at work in our lives and actively inviting others to do the same.

Stained Glass Update

Follow along with us and watch the progress of our stained glass window being made.

Stained Glass Legacy Gift

Follow along with us and watch the progress of our stained glass window being made.



Sunday Worship 8 & 10 am

6090 Harbour S Drive
Winneconne, WI 54986




Get Involved In Our Church Community









Sunday Worship 8 & 10 am

6090 Harbour S Drive
Winneconne, WI 54986




Get Involved In Our Church Community




Operation Christmas Child

Grab a shoebox and click here for the items needed to put in the shoebox.

Christmas Poinsettias


Purchase your plant by Dec 5th to decorate church.

 This week’s Gospel: John 6:56-69

We continue with Jesus’ teaching about the bread of life. It’s one of those moments when Jesus words are perhaps a little difficult to understand at face value. What exactly does Jesus mean by this? In a very real way this text is a reversal. If you remember back to the beginning of the Bible in Genesis, you will likely think of Adam and Eve. In the Garden of Eden, God has asked Adam and Eve not to eat. But they do. And it goes very badly (for all of us!). Death is the result. The loss of relationship with God. Even strained relationships with each other. Jesus gives a great reversal in John’s sixth chapter. God (Jesus) invites us to eat! And to receive eternal life because of Him. We regain relationship with God and each other because of the power of grace and forgiveness. It is a pivotal moment in the spiritual realm. A complete reversal. So, what does that mean to us. It means more than I can put down here. But one grand theme to remember is eternal hope. It is Jesus who offers our salvation, and our forgiveness that lead to unending love with God and each other. That may take you a bit to comprehend. Perhaps a lifetime. But this is the good stuff of God. The bread of life has been offered to us.



Missions and Charities

Bringing hope and help to those in need.


Christian education of our children and youth is a large part of our mission.


God has given us some wonderful gifts. Two of the best are baptism and weddings.


Building Use, Consent, Registration forms and more.

Church Family Information

Newsletters, calendars, weather policy,
meeting minutes and more.

This weeks gospel message

Give up Holding on to Pain

Forgiveness is today’s topic. For some of us that word causes us some anxiety. We want to forgive others, but we find excuses for our lack of living it out. This is a complicated topic. And we know at some level that forgiveness is really the way to freedom. Jesus sets the stage with a parable. We meet a King who is beyond gracious to a slave. And then that same slave is beyond stingy with his own grace and mercy toward another slave. He has no grace. Jesus uses inequality to make a dramatic point. The point is this. Can we forgive as God has forgiven us? The benefit of forgiveness is freedom in life. If we forgive, we move on and live in freedom. We lose the pain, the anger, the bitterness and our hearts can be opened up again. I encourage you to always move toward forgiveness. Take that road because it will lead to the places you want to go.

Latest Message

Next Steps

Lots of Ways to Get Involved.

Building and Grounds

Caring for our house of worship. Meets second Tuesday monthly at 4pm.


Lutherans love their coffee and snacks between services. Come join us at 9am Sundays.

Worship Team

Special service themes, Church decor


Women’s fellowship events that are fun-filled and faith forward. Watch the calendar.

Worship Assistants

Greeters, Readers, Communion Assistants, Ushers & Coffee Fellowship. Click here for monthly schedules and roles.

Sunday School

Bringing the teachings of Jesus to our children ages 4 through 6th grade.

Music Ministry

Choir, Guitar Band, Acabella chimes and bells. Check the calendar for practice times.

We Care Team

Addressing mental health issues in our community. Call Pastor Kevin for more information.

Adult Bible Study

Nurture your soul with an understanding of the scriptures. Thursday’s 8:30 am.

Busy Hands

Making quilts for our community and the world. Meets every other Tuesday at 9am. Check the calendar.

S.W.A.G. Youth Group

Accelerating youth Christian faith in a fun-filled spiritual environment.

Your God Given Talents

We have all been given blessings by God that can help Lord of the Lakes fulfill its’ missions locally and beyond our immediate community.

Click here to learn more.

Lord of the Lakes Blog

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