Youth Team minutes for March 2018

YOUTH TEAM – MARCH 2018 YOUTH GROUP Going really well – consistently 15-20 middle school youth attending; great participation and questions being asked In the past month working through Lent topics and making sure they have a solid understanding of the story leading...

March 2018 Council Minutes

Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting, March 20, 2018 Attendance:  Geoff Hendren, Gail Gardner, Ken Mueller, Wayne Ludkey, Kari Nigl, Pastor Kevin, Special guests Kate Pfaendtner and Vern Olson. Opening  Devotion by Wayne. Time and Talent sheet update by Kate.  Will have...

March 2018 B & Grds minutes

Lord of the Lakes Church, Buildings & Grounds Meeting Minutes, March 13, 2018 Neil opened meeting at 6:30 P.M.    The following were present:  Neil Bjornstad, Tim White, Warren Winter, Daryl Ramlow, Dennis Cartwright, Lou Zwicky, Tom Zillges, Jerry Bruss, &...

February 2018 Bldg & Grounds minutes

Lord of the Lakes Church, Buildings & Grounds Meeting Minutes, February 13, 2018 Neil opened meeting at 6:34 P.M.    The following were present:  Neil Bjornstad, Tim White, Warren Winter, Daryl Ramlow, Dennis Cartwright, & Lou Zwicky Monthly Maintenance: Back...

Worship Team Feb 2018 minutes

In the absence of Chairperson Pam Ulness, Pastor Kevin called the meeting to order and opened with prayer. Present: Dana Hartel, Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Cindy Hendren, Jody Kell, Margaret Kohl, Holly Nelson, Lani Stanek, and Ellen Smolinski . Geoff Hendren, Craig...