• Going really well – consistently 15-20 middle school youth attending; great participation and questions being asked
  • In the past month working through Lent topics and making sure they have a solid understanding of the story leading up to Jesus’ death
  • Have been emailing Bible study to parents each week as a resource for those who missed youth group or for parents to be in conversation with their child about what they are learning
  • Starting to work through the book of Exodus after Easter
  • Spoke with Jody Kell about preparing a song for kids to sing at Super Sunday/Mother’s Day service and possibly fill in other roles like reading, saying a prayer, etc.


  • 13 youth, 2 adults registered
  • Spots still available and continuing to look for an additional female adult leader
  • Group building dates have been scheduled throughout summer


  • Youth team suggested getting feedback on sending Bible study to parents
  • Possibly have them specify if this is something they would like to receive in the future or maybe just something during certain seasons like Advent/Lent
  • Goal: reinvent/strengthen Devos & Donuts & connect with Sunday School