Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting, March 20, 2018

Attendance:  Geoff Hendren, Gail Gardner, Ken Mueller, Wayne Ludkey, Kari Nigl, Pastor Kevin, Special guests Kate Pfaendtner and Vern Olson.

Opening  Devotion by Wayne.

Time and Talent sheet update by Kate.  Will have a “talent fair” between services on 4/22 and 4/29 to help answer questions.

Kate and Vern spoke about the benefits of moving our endowment fund to the Winneconne Area / Oshkosh Area Community Foundation.  We currently have an endowment fund in a regular savings account.   A meeting will be set up with the people from the OACF to come and explain the endowment fund.  This is an opportunity for the people of the church to be able to leave a lasting legacy.  The  Business Management Team and anyone interested should attend.

Team Reports

Pastor’s Report:  A very busy month with Lenten Services and Holy Week approaching.  Confirmation, First Communion, New Members class, Men’s Ministry group, and Mental Health focus has kept Pastor busy.

Buildings and Grounds:  There was a compressor issue with HVAC.  Mention to Tim how cold it was last week in church.  There has been some discussion about repainting back hallway.  Pouring a concrete slab by picnic tables out back (men’s group project).  Tom Zillges is working on estimates for lawn maintenance and parking lot improvements.  Sound system has been fixed, for now.

Worship:  Reconvene after Easter

Youth:  Meeting tomorrow night

Finances/Budget:   See Gail’s report.  $18,655 ahead.  Proposed Budget discussion.  Changes to be voted on next month.  We would like to move from fiscal year to calendar year. This will need to be voted on at the annual meeting.

Stewardship:  Give+ needs to be encouraged.  Assure red note pads are stocked with the Electronic giving cards.

Old Business

Ellen job share – Jill has cut down from 28 to 18 hrs per week, Ellen works 10 hrs per week.

Gail will send out employee letters after the annual meeting.

New Business

Synod Assembly May 18-19:  Pastor will attend.

Nominating committee for Council:  Council members from last 1-2 years will need to recruits nominees.  Geoff will reach out to them. Need a replacement for Bill Grau, who recently resigned, for a 2 year term.  Will need two additional 3 year terms.

Devotion for next meeting 4/17:  Kari,  Closing Prayer Pastor Kevin.