Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes – September 18, 2018

Members Present- Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Geoff Hendren, Sarah Miller, Kristin Bjornstad, Wayne Ludkey, Jeff Janke, Drew Jaeger

Opening Prayer

 Team Reports-

 Pastor’s Report- Recent passing of Pastor’s father and other church friends still in his thoughts, but looking forward to returning to the routine and traditions of fall.

 Buildings and Grounds- Wiring in the kitchen found not to be up to code. Daryl Ramlow to investigate, council members suggested other parish members who may have expertise.

  1. Worship- Meeting scheduled for next month. Current monthly sermon series focusing on Joy, next month Harvest concepts to be discussed, potential local guest speakers to accompany message.
  2. Youth- Mission trip to Twin Cities successful. High School student participation numbers up slightly, youth service planned for January.  Recommendation from Courtney for youth representatives to attend youth oversite team meetings, idea concurred by council members.
  3. Finances- Suggestion to separate electronic giving on budget to better track trends. More slips for those giving that way needed in pew pads.

The Operating Budget Total Net Income YTD as of August 2018-19FYE   $1,543

The Operating Budget Total Net Loss for Month of August 2016-17           ($2,248)

 We did budget for a ($765) Loss YTD and our Actual Income YTD is $1,543

 Stewardship- Deferred to old business under endowment.

 Social Media- Users up 944%, with 1684 readers this month. Several new likes and photo requests in recent days. Potential use of local area site Next Door being evaluated.  Boost for post related to fall festival to be tried for effectiveness.

Old Business

 Thank you notes: Signed by council members for several recent extra effort projects by members.

 Endowment Update- Information meeting proposed to share recommendations for revising endowment accounts to have more local outreach focus. Meeting date recommended for October 14 in between services.

 New Business

 New Sign- Ideas still being researched, many expensive options possible, suggestion given that perhaps low tech might serve just as well due to location being effective spot for traffic to see.

  1. Parking lot resurfacing- Repairs done over the last few months, bids for actual resurfacing portion still being received.
  2. HVAC system-Still proving problematic for moisture control and undesirable temperature swings. Moisture control options to be investigated, recommendation to try constant temperature settings for the next few months rather than alternating high and low levels to see if this helps with cost and moisture control.  Moisture control important for general comfort and musical instrument function.
  3. New Electric Piano– Needed due to age and moisture wear on current piano. Potential matching donation of up to $1000 from a member.

Closing Prayers,

Next Meeting: October 16, 2018, Devotion for October by Jeff