Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes                              December 17, 2019


Members Present:  Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Jan Olson, John Penza, Wayne Ludkey, Gail Gardner, Geoff Hendren, Jeff Jahnke, David Wein and Kristen Bjornstad.

 Absent:  Sarah Miller (Family Event)

 Devotion:        Jan Olson (“A String of Yes’s”)

 Devotion next month:  Wayne Ludkey  (Kristen Bjornstad—February)

 Opening Prayer:  Jan Olson

 Team Reports

 Pastor’s Report & Worship Committee:  See attached report.

 Buildings & Grounds: See attached Team Reports file.  Pastor added that the sound system went out last Sunday.  We will need to figure out/fix the issue soon (possibly replace system).  Ryan Miller may be looking into this soon.  David Wein knows some vendors through work.  He will get information on them so we can look at getting some quotes.

  •  Youth: See attached Team Reports file.  Jan noted that her granddaughter is coming home from school for a short time and is looking for volunteer opportunities.  She may be interested in helping out with the Youth.
  •  Social Media: See attached Team Reports file. 
  •  Fellowship and Life: Will follow up again after Christmas.
  •  We Care: Will follow up again after Christmas.

 Stewardship: See attached Team Reports file.  Wayne gave council members a handout from the stewardship committee which recommends moving forward with the 3 stewardship goals from the campaign.  It was noted that there is a grand plan for the internship program which would reduce the revenue needed to fully fund all three goals.  Pastor Kevin added that the grand is based on a lottery system (it is possible that we wouldn’t get it, but then we wouldn’t get the intern either).  If we received the grant, the cost to LOL would be $10,000/year for the intern (vs $30,000), but the commitment would be for 2 years instead of 1.  The intern would also not begin until August 2020.  Pastor Kevin will check for more information on some of the details (housing allowance, intern salary, benefits, etc.)  Pastor Kevin also noted that if we go ahead and the funds don’t come in, we will then move into fundraising.  Gail made a motion to forward with the stewardship goals (making youth director full-time, taking on a seminary intern and increasing the budget where needed with extra revenue).  Jeff Jahnke seconded (John Penza abstained from voting due to spousal employment at youth director).  All in favor.  None opposed.  Motion Approved.  Pastor Kevin will talk to Amy Penza regarding timing for beginning full-time as LOL youth director. Wayne added that the job description for Amy Penza will probably need to be updated.

 Old Business

 Jeff updated council that Acuity will now continue coverage and will accept rented auto coverage.

 Password and login information needed in office – Pastor and Jeff are getting a password and log in             information list to keep in the safe.  Jeff asked that if we can think of things that we need password and      log in information for to let him know what it is.

Staff gift request:  put in newsletter – Jeff wanted to know if there should be an announcement made in         church.  Jand and Wayne noted that it has been in the bulletin the past two weeks and the gift is due this      week, so Pastor decided that we do not need to make an additional announcement.

 Constitution update—Jan Olsen.  Big Thank You.  Copies available. – Jan handed copies out to council            members present.  Pastor asked if there were a lot of changes needed.  Jan said that there were many to           chapters 10-14.  She will be gone for the next 3 months, so the constitution revisions need to be        reviewed in the meantime.    Jan will get the revised constitution to 2 congregation members for review (Jody Franz and Russ Graunke came up as possibilities).

 Treasurers Report/Budget 

The Operating Budget Total Net Deficit YTD as of November 2019 FYE            ($736)

The Operating Budget Total Net Deficit for Month of November 2019             ($2,915)

 Total Cash in Operating Checking Account as of November 30, 2019 is $35,044.51

Total Cash in Special Events Checking Account as of November 30, 2019 is $11,869.11 (this includes the $7,500.00 in Holding)

 Operating Budget Explanation:

 Our YTD income for Church Operations is lower than budgeted by ($18,368).  Our Regular Envelope/Vanco/Credit Card giving is lower than budgeted by ($13,849) our Loose Offering is lower than budget by ($1,233).

 We received Scrip proceeds as of November 2019 $3,000 of our Fiscal Year.

Our total expenses are below budget.

Special Events Reporting

 We are working on a format for the special events reporting to reflect accurate balances in each account. 


 We did budget for a ($13,266) Deficit YTD and our Actual Deficit YTD is ($736)

 Special Events Reporting

 We are working on a format for the special events reporting to reflect accurate balances in each account. 


 We did budget for a ($11,608) deficit YTD and our Actual Profit YTD is $2,179

 Motion to approve treasurer’s report made by Jeff Jahnke.  Seconded by John Penza.  Approved.

 Wayne noted that the ELCA gets 10% of the increase of pledged funds from the stewardship campaign.  This will need to be factored into the financial report moving forward.

 New Busines   

Council Nominees—Ken Mueller and Joe Groholski submitted possible names.  Jeff said that we need 1 persona and possibly 1 alternate.  He is going to contact the names that were submitted to gauge interest.


Wayne attended the Thanksgiving service at First Presbyterian.  They had important items in boxes in front of each pew.  He is wondering if we could put something on the backs of the chairs here at LOL.  This way, things like the giving cards would be readily available.  He will look into options.

 John Penza made a motion to adjourn.  Wayne Ludkey seconded.  Approved

 Closing Prayer:  Pastor Kevin


Next Meeting:  1/21/2020


Team notes:

 Team Reports for December 17, 2019 Council Meeting

 Buildings and Grounds

  • Bunn Coffee Maker and supplies in place.  Thank you to 2 anonymous donors!
  • East door awaiting warmer weather for replacement; door and frame made and ready for installation.
  • In progress/research:  finding carpet cleaner product; fiber optic cable for video in Sanctuary; sanctuary ceiling paint and redo of ceiling diffusors, completion of hallway painting, gathering deferred maintenance estimates, getting supplies and regs for Boy Scout project in basement
  • Brad has installed 2 speakers in Gathering Space
  • Thank you to everyone who helped with beautiful Christmas decorations.  Especially to Judy Felberg for the organization and planning of it — thank you card from B&G sent to her. Thanks to Brad, Pr Kevin, and Rick Pierre for doing the heavy lifting


Social Media 

 Our Team met last week 11/12/19

  • discussed the e-mail hacks (multiple accounts were hacked about a month ago, a fake website and phishing email was sent to some congregation members)
    • social media@lordofthelakes.nethad not received a message since early October, we decided to get rid of it and create a new account
    • Sarah called GoDaddy to cancel account and create mediainfo@lordofthelakes.net
      • this account is to be used only for social media related communications and anyone on the team will have access
      • GoDaddy also forwarded information about upgrading our email so future hacks will not happen (or as easily)/ team will discuss when we get together again
    • looked at Google Business account and decided Sarah will manage/monitor
    • discussed keeping passwords and user names using a program, Sarah suggested LastPass (will look at and revisit)
    • will add a second administrator to Facebook for emergencies; talked about adding Carol H. again or someone else
    • happy to see continuous growth on the Facebook page
    • tabling doing any more changes or updates to the website until our current contract runs out 

 Fellowship and Life 

 – Update after Christmas

 Youth Team

– Met on 11/21/2019
– Pizza sale ended on 11/24.  Youth made pizzas on 12/7 with pizza pick-up on 12/8

– Youth had an outing at Brennand Airport scheduled for 12/4

– Youth are volunteering at Thrift on 12/21

– Youth Service is scheduled for January 19th

– Amy is working with the youth on making prayer a daily routine.  They will incorporate the idea of prayer into the youth service in January.

– They are also talking about individual gifts and are each saying something they think is special about the others.

– Amy had been thinking of breaking the youth up into smaller groups when they are there.  Some are there who really want to learn.  Some are there more to socialize.  She does not want to separate them back into high school and middle school groups as the majority of the kids attending are in 8th and 9th grade.  She is also hoping to keep up the numbers as the large 9th grade group gets older.

– Amy is looking into more “outside of church” activities for next year (movies, bowling etc.) especially with the larger group we have now.

– Amy is in need of another adult helper (because of the size of the group).  There is one person who may be interested.

– Amy would also like to start meeting with the kids one-on-one

– We discussed email from Jan regarding the continuing resolution of the constitution  (Youth Team portion).  Will follow up with Jan in a separate email.



 The number of intents have certainly slowed.  Ushers helped by handing them out at both services this week, asking “Do you need a Generosity intent card?”.  I don’t know how many they handed out.  But we received only five more cards Sunday.  Hopefully more will come in the mail this week.

 We’re at 78.5% of our goal

– Pledged giving is $97K (annual) short of fully funding our three priorities.

–  total pledges out of regular givers and 63 non-givers (207 total)

            – 10 non-givers have made pledges

– 75% of pledges are an increase over 2019 giving

– If we take our pledged giving AND current unpledged with no increases, our giving income is estimated to be $363K.  This is $25K short of our goal and $45K more than the projected 2019 income.

– Known non-givers have not reacted to the campaign.  Only 10 of 63 have committed.  This is great, but as our biggest growth area, we didn’t see many of them willing to open their hearts and wallets to our church.  10-15 more committed givers from these folks would make a difference.  Is this a membership challenge?

 Our goal is $418,000 to fully fund all three goals

Pledged revenue is $327,954 (80% of goal)

Unpledged regular is $35,495

Pledged and unpledged:  $363,450 (89% of goal)

 We are at a critical juncture, having to vote on the 2020 budget and commit to the internship before the end of the year.

 I welcome thoughtful comments from the stewardship group and council on our status and how we move forward.

 Pastor’s report and Worship Team

Hi Everyone,

 It has been and continues to be a really great Christmas season.  We have a lot going on around here as you probably have noticed.  The Advent services have been going very well and last week seemed to grow from week one.  In addition we have seen amazing generosity from so many people around here.  We are truly fortunate to have such caring people at this church. 

 I have enjoyed prepping Sunday messages with the theme of the characters of the Nativity.  I have been learning a lot myself.  I also am encouraged by the stewardship campaign (and I notice our attendance numbers went up during stewardship.  I expected perhaps the opposite! Thanks Wayne for amazing materials and direction.)  Christmas services are coming quickly.  (One week from today is Christmas Eve.) 

 I have felt a strong peace about much of what is going on around here.  Which honestly is quite extraordinary because there are quite a few sad and odd situations going on right now surrounding our church.  Perhaps it is the darkness that brings greater light.  Please do pray for the shut-ins this Christmas please.  But I am so thankful for Christmas this year.  (I always am, but this one seems a bit different for some reason). 

 On a personal note- I am doing very well but looking forward to a small break after Christmas.  (I’ll be using up my days off!)  I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas- it truly is a magnificent time of year as we celebrate our loving God!  Pastor Kevin