Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes                              November 19, 2019


Members Present:  Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Jan Olson, John Penza, Wayne Ludkey, Jeff Jahnke, David Wein and Kristen Bjornstad.


Absent:  Sarah Miller (illness in family)

              Gail Gardner (work meeting)


Devotion:        David Wein (Compassion, Giving Aid, Kindness, Patience, Humility & Gentleness)


Devotion next month:  Jan Olson  (Wayne Ludkey—January)


Opening Prayer:  David Wein


Approval of October Minutes:  Motion to approve made by Jan Olson.  John Penza seconded.  Approved.


Treasurers Report


Note that Jeff Jahnke changed the terminology “profit/loss” to “surplus/deficit”…


The Operating Budget Total Net Surplus YTD as of October 2019 FYE         $2,179

The Operating Budget Total Net Surplus for Month of October 2019             $1,521


Total Cash in Operating Checking Account as of October 31, 2019 is $36,936.86

Total Cash in Special Events Checking Account as of October 31, 2019 is $11,017.57 (this includes the $7,500.00 in Holding)


Operating Budget Explanation:


Our YTD income for Church Operations is lower than budgeted by ($15,094).  Our Regular Envelope/Vanco/Credit Card giving is lower than budgeted by ($11,539) our Loose Offering is lower than budget by ($1,130).


We received Scrip proceeds as of October 2019 $3,000 of our Fiscal Year.


Our total expenses are below budget.


Special Events Reporting


We are working on a format for the special events reporting to reflect accurate balances in each account. 




We did budget for a ($11,608)deficit YTD and our Actual Profit YTD is $2,179


Motion to approve treasurer’s report made by John Penza.  Seconded by Kristen Bjornstad.  Approved.


Wayne added that council needs to ask Gail about the Special Events Reporting—what exactly does it mean and is it still being worked on?

Team Reports


  1. Pastor’s Report & Worship Committee:  Pastor’s report is attached.  Jan added that she has also noticed that the attendance the attendance by “regular” congregants seems to be lower.  Pastor noted that he usually sees them return at some point and added that the national average for church attendance is approximately one time per month.  Wayne asked if we have ever discussed a service outside of Sunday?  Jan and Pastor said that we have tried, but that it didn’t go over very well.


  1. Buildings & Grounds: See attached Team Reports file.  Jan added that Kate met with Tim White in regards to the building security item.  They are looking into a new security system for gaining access to the church during daytime/office hours.


  1. Youth: See attached Team Reports file.  John added that Amy looked at the cost of flying to Wyoming or chartering a bus (because of the cost of the van rentals), but found that the site requires the groups to have their own transportation while they are there, so they would still need the rentals.


Jan noted that if anyone with Thrivent Accounts secures Thrivent money to be used for fundraising that there is usually a two week turnaround time before the money is made available.


  1. Stewardship: See attached Team Reports file.  Wayne noted that we are still about 100 intent cards away from reaching our goal.  Those that the church doesn’t hear from will receive a follow up letter and possibly a phone call.  Pastor Kevin asked if we should have people bring the cards up to the front of the church again this Sunday.  Wayne said that they can just go in the offering plate.  David asked if the cards are available in church for those who need them.  Wayne said yes.  Jan noted that 40% of the intents were received, but how much of the monetary goal did that cover.  Wayne was unsure, but said he would look into it.  Pastor thought that we were about halfway to our goal. Jeff thought that Council members should set the example and all turn in an intent card (everyone present had done this). Wayne added that people commented on how nice the brochures were and loved the program.


  1. Social Media: See attached Team Reports file.  Pastor Kevin added that his email account was hacked this month.  He contacted Go Daddy, the Oshkosh PD and the FBI.  Go Daddy had him submit the info to spam.gov and they shut down that Go Daddy account.


  1. Fellowship and Life: See attached Team Reports file.  Pastor added that the team is discussing the overlap between the spiritual and social aspects of the church and the church calendar.


  1. We Care: Pastor said that things are going well.  They had a meeting this month and have plans for the upcoming year.  He has a good feeling that things will be moving ahead.  Wayne added that this is a good committee that people should know about.  Pastor said they are going to get the word out more and open it up to have more people participate.  The team is still planning to have outside speakers come in.  More details will be available soon.


Old Business


            Brokerage Account—Jeff Jahnke said that the check has been received and is being reinvested at             Fortifi Investments.  Wayne clarified that this account is for special gifts/offerings and is different than             the endowment fund.


            Council Terms:  Jeff Jahnke informed council that Wayne Ludkey will continue to serve (thank you             Wayne).  We just need to find a replacement for Geoff Hendren. Wayne asked if we could just appoint             someone for the interim [between the end of the year and the annual meeting].  Jan said that we cannot             the way the constitution is currently written.  Jeff stated that we are looking for a nominee.  Council             members present discussed and agreed that the new council member’s term will start the month after the       annual meeting.  Current council members serving will have their terms extended through the annual             meeting in February.  We need a nomination for a new council member by January.


New Business


Buildings and Grounds:

            The following Spending Limits were reviewed and recommended  (new – in (  )  )by B&G:     

  • Maintenance person shall have $200 (to remain same) per event in petty cash to purchase necessary items to do repairs.  Purchase of a higher cost needs to be requested from Supervisor (B&G Chairperson).  Jeff suggested that we get a reloadable debit card for the maintenance person to use for expenses.
  • B&G (volunteer and/or Maintenance) shall have spending authority up to $1,500 (changed to $2,500) per planned expenditure for repair.  Wayne suggested we add, “with chairperson oversight.” To this statement.
  • Emergency Repairs shall require use of preferred Vendor first and shall be as they are – impossible to put a spending limit on, keeping B&G Chairperson informed.  
  • Other planned repairs/replacements: need to get bid from at least 2 vendors if expenditure is between $500-$1,500 (changed to $1,000 – 2,500); 3 vendors if greater than$1,500 (changed to $2,500).  Jan and Pastor Kevin suggested that we add that the B & G team discussed the bids and then decides on which vendor to use.
  • If needing to replace a current vendor of a contracted service such as lawn mowing, lawn protection, snow removal, B&G needs to get a minimum of 2 bids.  

We would like Council approval prior to Jeff and Jan writing into Continuing Resolutions of Constitution revisions which they are working on.  

Wayne made a motion to approve Buildings and Grounds spending limits and recommended changes (with noted suggestions included).  David Wein seconded.  Approved. 

David asked if these spending limits will be reviewed annually.  Jan said that they would.


Coffee Pot – Kate Pfaendtner sent an email outlining that there were some concerns about the safety/efficiency of the current (large) coffee pots being used.  Two donors stepped forward to pay to replace those pots with two Bunn pour over coffee makers.  We would then use pre-packaged coffee to make brewing easier and more consistent.  Kate is looking for council approval.  John Penza made a motion to approve the Buildings and Grounds team request to replace the current coffee pots with the two Bunn coffee makers.  Jan Olson and Wayne Ludkey seconded.  Approved.

Pastor Kevin noted that the newer of the large silver coffee pots was a gift to the church.  We need to make sure we keep that one.  It may also be useful for large events.





            Jeff was notified by the ACUITY agent.  They are looking to exclude AUTO insurance from the church insurance (liability). There is a lot of exposure for church members driving kids (like on the mission             trip).  We could possibly purchase this additional liability coverage directly from the rental car company         as needed or see about adding an umbrella for the driver(s).  Jeff said he would look into this more.


Continuing Resolutions of Constitution:

            Jan and Jeff are working on this.  Continuing Resolutions part is understanding that if something isn’t             working, that it can be changed with a council vote.  Any changes to the body of the constitution need to         go to the synod and the congregation for approval.  They are including the basics of each of the             following teams in the continuing resolutions:  Buildings & Grounds, Youth, Worship and Business             Management.


Business Management Team (BMT):

            Jan noted that the current document is not being followed.  The process was changed years ago asking             members of the congregation with business acumen to work with the treasurer.  Jan asked if someone             from the congregation should be the chairperson of this team with the treasurer being the liaison to             council?


            Pastor thinks the BMT document was used when LOL separated from Thrift & Gift.  Jan suggested that      the BMT meet quarterly (and as needed).  She asked council to look over the LOL Guidelines for             Operations document for the BMT so that we can discuss it at the December meeting.  Pastor doesn’t             think that the team will need to meet quarterly (may be too frequent).


            Jan asked what the value of the BMT is?  Jeff suggested that council members read the document that             was handed out and send comments to Jan.


Christmas Gifting and End of Year Giving:

            Jan asked if Employee Christmas gifting letters and end-of-year giving letters are coming out?  Pastor             Kevin noted that they usually come out this time of year.  Jeff said that he will check with Geoff

            Hendren as he has run with this in the past.


John Penza made a motion to adjourn.  David Wein and Wayne Ludkey seconded.  Approved


Closing Prayer:  Pastor Kevin


Next Meeting:  12/17/2019