Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes           July 16, 2019


Members Present:  Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Jan Olson, Sarah Miller, Jeff Jahnke, Geoff Hendren, Wayne Ludkey, David Wein and Kristen Bjornstad.


Devotion:        Pastor Kevin (Family)


Devotion next month:  John Penza (September), Sarah Miller (October)


Signed “Thank You” Notes


Approval of May Minutes:  Motion to approve made by Wayne Ludkey.  Jan Olson seconded.  Approved.


Jeff asked the group if any items should be added to today’s agenda.  No additions were made.


Treasurers Report

            Wayne noted that envelope giving was down, but credit card giving was up.


The Operating Budget Total Net Profit YTD as of May 2019 FYE             $5660

The Operating Budget Total Net Profit for Month of May 2019                $398


There was actually a budgeted loss YTD ($4975), but the Actual Profit YTD is $5660..

No questions on Financial Report.  David made a motion to approve.  Geoff seconded.  Approved


Team Reports


  1. Pastor’s Report & Worship Committee:  Pastor’s report is attached.  Worship Committee did not meet this month.


  1. Buildings & Grounds: Jan said the parking lot (sealing and striping) came in around $14,300.       B & G team to start meeting again in September.  The back door still needs to be repaired.


  1. Youth: Mission trip left on Sunday, 7/14/2019.  Prayers needed.  There was a rough start, but going well now.  Amy Penza officially began role of youth director.  Youth team meetings will resume soon.


  1. Stewardship: Wayne said they are preparing to begin the “Stewardship For All Seasons” campaign.


  1. Social Media: Sarah is working on updating the LOL webpage.  She sent a list of needs for the site to Randy Korus.  She will continue working to get the pertinent information updated.  Facebook page is doing well.  Sarah is working with Tammie to get the Sunday School plans and is working on getting Fall/Winter activities updated.


  1. Life and Fellowship: The team met on 6/23 and discussed items/events that may be of interest to the congregation.  Sarah would like to send out the activity interest survey (that was previously sent to council members for input).  She will email the congregation and have some paper copies for those who don’t use email.  Jeff would like to see a survey link on the Facebook page.  Pastor Kevin will announce the survey at the 8:00 a.m. on 7/21 and the 10:00 service on 7/28.


  1. We Care: The team met last month and is getting ideas for the Fall.  Pastor said that 1/3 of the congregation is dealing with mental illness directly (in some way).


Old Business


            Easter Breakfast Discussion:  The council needs to have the Easter Breakfast coordinator established             by January 15, 2020, so that we know who will be handling this by the January council meeting.


12 Month Goals Discussion:  Some of the items that council brainstormed last meeting will be ongoing           items.  Others will be designated as Tasks that will be given a timeline to be completed and checked off.


Stewardship program:  ongoing

Men’s group:  ongoing

Volunteer recruitment (getting newer/younger families involved):  ongoing

Constitution revisit to have guide for the future:  Task.  Jeff and Jan will review the current                                                 constitution and will determine what needs to be updated before the next council meeting.

Information backup and continuity of data:  Both a task and ongoing.

Sound system:  Task.  Sarah will have Ryan Miller assess the sound system and will report                                                 findings by the October council meeting.  David knows some individuals who could help

as well and will give their information to Sarah and Ryan.

Women’s Ministry:  Ongoing

Nursery Updates:  Task.  Sarah updated the Nursery to accommodate 0-3 year old children.                                                  nursery will still be unstaffed (there was not enough interest to get it staffed).  There will

be new signage so that parents are aware that children are not to be unsupervised in the

nursery (she has heard that some older kids have been in there which resulted in

broken toys and untidiness).  Council agreed to signage that says, “Welcome to the

nursery.  Please NO unsupervised children.”


Financial Peace University (David Ramsey Debt Reduction program):  Pastor Kevin said this program is set up and ready to run.  This program will be open to the community and is not just for the congregation.  Just need to recruit people to attend.


New Business


Pastor Kevin and Sarah Miller noted that there will be an outdoor service and pot luck on Rally Day (9/8).


Sarah and Pastor Kevin will meet regarding when/how Time and Talents will be rolled out this year.


Jeff discussed council taking the month of August off.  Everyone agreed.  Next council meeting will be on September 17, 2019.


Motion to adjourn meeting made by Geoff Hendren.  Sarah Miller Seconded.


Closing Prayer:  Pastor Kevin


Next Meeting:  9/17/2019