Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes           June 18, 2019

Members Present:  Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Jan Olson, Sarah Miller, Jeff Jahnke, Geoff Hendren, John Penza, and Kristen Bjornstad.

Devotion:        Jeff Jahnke, “If….When….”

Devotion next month:  John Penza

Approval of May Minutes:  Motion to approve made by John Penza.  Sarah Miller seconded.  Approved.

 Jeff asked the group if any items should be added to today’s agenda.  No additions were made.

Treasurers Report

            Gail was out sick, so Jeff covered what was sent to council members.  Jeff suggested that the operating

statement that is sent out ahead of time should be posted in church.  Council can just discuss any             questions on this report at the monthly meeting.  Pastor asked if there were any comments on the             financial notes.  Kristen noted that the was a loss budgeted for, but there was actually a YTD profit.

The Operating Budget Total Net Profit YTD as of May 2019 FYE             $5261

The Operating Budget Total Net Profit for Month of May 2019                $2474

There was actually a budgeted loss YTD ($3316), but the Actual Profit YTD is $5261.

No questions on Financial Report.  Kristen made a motion to approve.  Sarah seconded.  Approved

Team Reports

 Pastor’s Report:  At Jeff’s request, the Pastor’s report that Pastor Kevin sends out ahead of the council meeting will be attached to the council meeting minutes instead of being summarized in the meeting notes.

 Stewardship:  Pastor Kevin and Wayne Ludkey went to the synod office to get information on the new stewardship program.  The new program is set up with a “Big Picture” outlook on giving.  Some churches have doubled their giving.  LOL has a team of 5 members working on the new campaign which will begin in the Fall and continue to the end of the year.  The new material is different than in the past and is more holistic as it has people looking at giving in relationship to their own lifestyle.  The next team meeting is at the end of summer.  If anyone else would like to volunteer for this team, they should contact Wayne.

 Jeff commented that we should have someone from the congregation coordinating with Thrift for volunteers.  Pastor Kevin said that Cindy Hendren has been doing this.  We should follow up with her to make sure she wants to continue doing this, or if she would like someone to help her with it.

 Buildings & Grounds: Jan noted that the parking lot was done.  There was an increased cost due to the harsh winter.  Total came in over $14,000.  Original quote was approximately $9000.00.  Pastor Kevin noted that Jon F. is doing a fantastic job with maintenance as he is very proactive.

 Youth: Amy Penza accepted the job offer for the Youth Director position.  Starting date is July 8th and Youth Team meetings will begin again in July.  An outside support team is being put together to assist her.  Jan asked if Amy will be involved with Sunday School as well.  Pastor Kevin stated that she may oversee/direct, but will not be “running” Sunday School.  The full scope of her position and involvement with Sunday School is yet to be determined.

Sarah asked if we will still be looking into hiring a Sunday School/Volunteer Coordinator (previously discussed a paid position for about 10 hours per week).  Pastor Kevin said we will need to look into that a little further.

  1. Social Media: Sarah is testing a new “Group Me” app with the Women’s Bible Study group.  She said this app is a good way to communicate with groups (example:  inclement weather/emergency closing).  Sarah is looking to improve communication within the church.

Time and Talents survey will be coming out this Fall (paper and web-based) and it will as “how” members prefer to be contacted.  Pastor Kevin said that we should also ask how “often” members would like to be contacted.   Jeff wants to make sure we ask members what things they do/don’t like as well.

  1. Life and Fellowship: Sarah stated that the Women’s Ministry has been successful so far.  The next Bible study that is planned for summer has around 20 women signed up to attend.  The Life & Fellowship team is meeting on 6/23/19 (between services) to plan the events calendar.
  2. We Care: Pastor Kevin is meeting with Drew Jaeger and the group next Thursday.  They are looking at bringing in a guest speaker in August.  Geoff noted that there may possibly be some grant money coming to this group from Thrift.

 Old Business

 Easter Breakfast Discussion:  The question was raised, “Is the Easter breakfast a fundraiser?  If so, who is it for?  Who is running it?”  After discussing options and issues, the group decided that this is a day of celebration and should not be focused on money.  The following was proposed…

  • Keep doing the Easter Breakfast
  • Free-will offering only (not a “fundraiser”)
  • Need to find a group each year to staff it (giving the Youth group first crack at hosting). We need to confirm, 3 months in advance, which group is staffing it.
  • Whichever group staffs the Easter breakfast will receive any donations given.

Motion made to approve this proposal made by Jan Olson.  Kristen Bjornstad seconded.  Motion  passed.

John suggested that the Youth could always do a Breakfast or Luncheon as a “fundraiser,” separate from Easter.

New Business

 Jeff asked the group what we would like to accomplish in the next 12 months?

Jan—stewardship is at the top of the list.

Geoff—would like to see the Men’s group get going again.

John—would like to see younger/newer families involved (groups, committees, usher, reading,

communion etc.).

Jeff—(to Jan) Revisit the constitution.  Also would like to establish a way to keep records available,

so that they can be easily found, in one place, as technology changes (Drop Box?).

Sarah—new sound system for the music department.  Would also like to see more events/activities (for

families/couples etc., that are not centered around fundraising.

Kristen—would like to see a thriving Women’s ministry.  We are off to a good start, but we need to

continue to build on it.

Jeff noted that he would like to try to keep council meetings to an hour.  He would like to see short team updates and spend the majority of the meeting time focused on other church business.

 Closing Prayer:  Pastor Kevin

Motion to adjourn made by Kristen Bjornstad.  Seconded by Jeff Jahnke/Jan Olson.

Meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.  Next Meeting:  July 16, 2019