Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes – April 16, 2019

Members Present- Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Geoff Hendren, Sarah Miller, Kristen Bjornstad, Wayne Ludkey, Gail Gardner, Drew Jaeger

Devotion: None

 Opening Prayer: Pastor

 Team Reports-

 Pastor’s Report- Church activities increasing in a good way, church calendar filling up with lots of exciting events for Lent and beyond. Kudos to choir for preparations for Easter service music.

 Buildings and Grounds- Part time maintenance person has been hired, short bio to be shared in May bulletin.Worship- Committee meeting held, outdoor service plans in flux due to construction in area of bridge where traditionally held. Ideas being explored for alternate site.

Youth- Options for potential support from synod and use of seminary interns still being evaluated. Current seminarians already in placement cycle for this year.  Council voted unanimously to recommend advertising for (2) positions.  Part time youth director for 30 hours per week, volunteer coordinator for 10 hours per week.

Finances- Gail and Doris completed 9 month budget figures for remainder of 2019.

The Operating Budget Total Net Income YTD as of March 2018-19FYE   $10,207

The Operating Budget Total Net Loss for March                                         $5,445

 We did budget for a ($1,837) Loss YTD and our Actual Income YTD is $10,207

Our church envelope giving is below budget by ($35,211)

Although our expenses are below budget, we also have had several months without a paid youth director that was budgeted for and not used.

Stewardship- Program started for stewardship support with synod. Text for giving now available option.

 Social Media- Users continue to grow. Work on website in progress. Sarah to work on updating staff photos, streamline forms access and improve navigation ease of site.

 Life and Growth Team: Hoping to have meeting first week in June, challenge to fit events into rapidly filling summer calendar. Stand by for future new.

 Annual Meeting May 5th at 11 am.

New Business

 We Care Team Update: Youth group had guest speaker about mental health topics March 20th, great attendance. Mental Health topic calendar to be shared with congregation as part of Mental Health Awareness Month in May.

 Bible Studies: Additional Bible study sessions being considered, stand by for announcements.

 3 council members will be needed starting in May. Please consider and contact any member of council if interested.

 Closing Prayers: Pastor

Next Meeting: May 21, 2019

Devotion for May- Kristen