Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes – March 19, 2019


Members Present- Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Geoff Hendren, Wayne Ludkey, Sarah Miller, Kristen Bjornstad, Drew Jaeger


Devotion by Kristen


Team Reports-


  1. Pastor’s Report- Pastor had enjoyable vacation with his family, and is enthused by opportunities that pending transitions with will give us all chances to grow.


  1. Buildings and Grounds- Projector purchased for youth room. Projector for worship area fixed by rewiring hard line connection.


Furnace repairs mostly complete, previously undiagnosed ventilation problem should be resolved next week.


Maintenance person candidate has been identified, position offer to be completed soon.


  1. Worship- No update.


  1. Finances-



The Operating Budget Total YTD as of December 2018-19 FYE      $4,762

The Operating Budget Total for Month of February 2019           ($7,218)


  1. Stewardship- Vanco text option approved for trial by council. Potential ideas for stewardship program support to be researched with synod.


  1. Youth: Potential ideas for youth pastoral support to be researched with synod. Current programming to continue with volunteer adult leaders for time being.


  1. Social Media: Targeted survey of program suggestions to be developed by Sarah, council to validate prior to release.


Old Business:


  1. Endowment next steps: This will be tied in with stewardship initiative likely for late spring/early summer, and will include informational pamphlet.


  1. Future programs?: Survey for members to be developed and shared several ways to ensure maximum opportunities for input. Guiding principal of the church will continue to be mission driven perspective, which pastor and council agreed was appropriate based on history and congregation size.  We will look for new opportunities to enhance the spiritual growth of our members so that they may serve the larger community, rather than follow the example of larger congregations that often duplicate existing community programs such as sports and recreation programs.  Likely suggestions include more bible study groups, short duration education series, and enhanced service projects such as food pantry support.  Have an idea for how YOU would like to help us grow and serve?  Contact any council member, and make sure to fill out the survey.


  1. Easter Breakfast: Volunteers have stepped up for major roles, youth to assist with serving.


New Business:


  1. Budget Discussion: 9 month budget for remainder of calendar year 2019 approved by council. Question as to actual cost and when east door repairs to be made only pending issue.


  1. We Care Team: Notification to congregation that team available for support to occur in next month.


Next Meeting: April 16th, 2019


Devotion for April TBA