Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes – February 19, 2019

Members Present- Geoff Hendren, Sarah Miller, Kristin Bjornstad, Wayne Ludkey, Jeff Janke, Gail Gardner, Drew Jaeger

Guest: Youth Director Zach Pingel

Devotion: Drew Jaeger

Opening Prayer: Drew

 Team Reports-

 Pastor’s Report- Pastor gone on vacation, but relayed his thoughts to Geoff that he is encouraged by all the positive things happening in our church such as the hiring of our new Youth Director Zach.

  1.  Buildings and Grounds- Applications have been received by 3 persons interested in part time position, interviews and recommendation pends from committee.
  2.  Worship- No update, next committee meeting pends.
  3.  Youth- Welcome to new Youth Director Zach. He is very impressed with our engaged youth group members, and looks forward to continuing growth of current program and trying some new ideas. He has met the kids, and looks forward to formal youth team meeting in the near future. We are hoping to find an additional adult female volunteer to join the team, please contact Zach if you can help in this rewarding role. March first is youth pizza making event.
  4.  Finances- Discussion about the challenges of when to schedule annual meetings to come in line with our change to matching calendar/fiscal year in 2020. Suggestions received for a meeting in November to propose 2020 budget to congregation, with 2019 closeout reporting in February. Research of church constitution on this issue pends. Gail and Doris working on 9 month budget figures for remainder of 2019.

The Operating Budget Total Net Income YTD as of January 2018-19FYE             $11, 980

The Operating Budget Total Net Income of August 2081-2019           $2, 623

 We did budget for a ($1,531) Loss YTD and our Actual Income YTD is $11,980

Our church envelope giving is below budget by ($27,693)

  1. Stewardship- Discussion that recent encouragement and flyers have made no changes to church stewardship giving. Ideas shared that a significant program is needed inspire members. Wayne plans to attend webinar in regards to this in near future. Council members to bring ideas to next meeting.
  2. Social Media- Users up to 207. Work on website pends. Sarah to meet with Zach to discuss practices for appropriate information sharing about youth events.
  3. Life and Growth Team: Team to meet in near future to discuss plans for comradery building events for church members.

 Council to have morning retreat October 20th.

Old Business

  1. Endowment Update- Wayne to reach out to Winneconne Community Fund staff for ideas in regard to potential information pamphlet. Idea is to have council work on a visioning process that explains goals for both stewardship and endowment fund to church membership. Concerns voiced about previous trends of project and endowment giving resulting in drop off in general giving.

 Time Off for Part Time Office staff- Council voted unanimously to approve this based on pro-rated hours principle in ratio of scheduled time for position.

New Business

Mental Health Team Update: Drew reported that two team members to attend scheduled Youth Mental Health training on Feb 23, and next team meeting March 14. Goals for the year to be developed, team members to be introduced as a resource for the community. Youth group to have guest speaker about mental health topics March 20th, parents encouraged to attend.

 Future Programs? Council members requested by Geoff to consider additional areas that we can serve our members, and return with ideas for next meeting. Concern is that we continue to grow with new ideas and opportunities to increase the bonds of friendship and faith in our church without growing stale.

 Nursery Update: Sarah brought forth a proposal to investigate options for updating the toys, décor and seating in the nursery. Council approved further research into this area, as well as accepting donations within desired parameters. Sarah also would like to evaluate potential options for volunteer staffing of the nursery on a limited basis, interested members should contact her.

 Youth Program: Zach requested and was granted council approval for purchase of new projector for youth room, less expensive option than a needed bulb. Zach shared ideas for updated security procedures for Sunday school and youth program participants to come more in line with best practices. He plans to implement these incrementally, first steps will be review of current contact information for parents/guardians, and badges identifying teachers. Ideas shared for potential youth room renovation, further action pends discussion with the youth, as it will likely involve donated time and labor.

Closing Prayers: Zach, Next Meeting: March 19, 2019

Devotion for March- Kristin