Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes – January 16, 2019


Members Present- Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Geoff Hendren, Wayne Ludkey, Sarah Miller, Ken Mueller, Kristen Bjornstad, Joe Groholski, Drew Jaeger


Team Reports-


  1. Pastor’s Report- Pastor looking to forward to New Year, lots of transitions and renewal opportunities coming soon.


  1. Buildings and Grounds- Repair estimate to east door $2666. Approved by council, discussion of methods to reduce likelihood of similar future degradation of door frame.  Issues discussed included that salt will not be stored near it, and previous interior plumbing problems that lead to water accumulation in the area have been resolved.


Furnace is too large for our building, so there might be times during services when it gets warm quickly.  Practice of keeping on more continuously seems to be working, but further practice on when best program time to initialize warm up will still take more time. System seems to stabilize shortly after initial quick heating.


Electrical repairs completed in kitchen.


Parking lot resealing bid received and approved by council.


Maintenance person has resigned; interested candidates for average of 10 hours per week should talk to any council member for information.


  1. Worship- Meeting scheduled for week of January 21st.


  1. Finances-



The Operating Budget Total YTD as of December 2018-19 FYE      $9,357

The Operating Budget Total for Month of December 2018-19           $12,747


Council noted that we will be transitioning to fiscal year matching calendar year in 2020.  Suggestion given that future council appointments should follow a similar schedule.



Stewardship- Giving options pamphlet or similar information materials to be worked on by Wayne.  Intention is to highlight our endowment that will now be administered by community foundation.


Youth: Attendance continues to improve.  Program about Mental Health on January 30th open to parents and youth.


Social Media: Steady increase in folks accessing Facebook page, which has led to a few non-members coming to different events at the church.  Sarah to follow up on potential update of website that was approved at previous meeting.


Old Business:


Endowment next steps: Addendum to current endowment distribution guidelines signed by council based on vote by church membership.  Recommendation from Jeff Jahnke that we draft Request for Proposal guideline for time in future when fund reaches distribution threshold.


New Business:


  1. Update on youth leader search: Selection committee plans to make final recommendation to council by end of week.  Discussion that approval vote would be done by President via email.


  1. Time of for part time staff: Current guidelines exist for vacation for each staff position. If these position hour decrease by mutual agreement with council and employee, their vacation time will be pro-rated based on time base schedule decreases.


  1. Safe: Office safe in need of repair or replacement, service company to evaluate next week.


  1. Easter Breakfast: Suggestion that hosting of breakfast be offered to youth group as potential mission trip fund raiser.


  1. Sound System: Potential upgrade or repair to be investigated.




Next Meeting: February 19th, 2019


Devotion for February by Drew