Lord of Lakes Church Council Minutes 11/20/18
Those present: Gail Gardner, Sara Miller, Jeff Jahnke, Kristin Bjornatad, Geoff Hendren and Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Joe Groholski.
Geoff begins with asking the various committees to discuss the hot topics.
We start with Joe of the B n G group. We talk about the funds being available for the, parking lot. We shelved the sign too expensive.

Next Geoff brought up some interviews for our youth leader search.

Gail discussed our financial reports. we are at a net loss for the operating budget of $700 FYE and $2813 net loss for month of October. We are hoping that with the Holiday season approaching we will see an increase in giving.

Jeff Jahnke is working on the Oshkosh Endowment fund. Once he has it written to his satisfaction, he will see Geoff for his signature. Then we can add this program to our stewardship endeavor.

Sara Miller went over briefly what is going on with our Social Media. She will update and share info with our Facebook page.

Pastor Kevin talked about our Worship. Our congregation has seen a rise in deaths of our parishioners and their family members because of the age.
It’s been tough. But on the good side He discussed the youth group having a record sign up for next year’s Youth Mission Trip, a side note was 28 girls, no boys this time.

Pastor Kev repeated what Geoff mentioned earlier that we have had some interest in our youth ministry opening. Pastor Kev ended the council meeting with a prayer.
Geoff was reminded that we can meet in December on the 18th.