Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes – October 16, 2018

Members Present- Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Geoff Hendren, Sarah Miller, Kristin Bjornstad, Wayne Ludkey, Jeff Janke, Ken Mueller, Gail Gardner, Drew Jaeger

Devotion: Jeff Janke

 Opening Prayer

 Team Reports-

 Pastor’s Report- Recent passing of Pastor’s father and other church friends still in his thoughts, fall beginning to be busy, but lots of opportunities for church growth are also areas of focus.

 Buildings and Grounds- Staff to work to determine whether a member is filling salt in softener without telling anyone, or if system has an issue. Men’s group to replace soil and grass seed October 17th near new patio.  Repairs to east door and kitchen wiring still pend.  Fall cleanup scheduled for the 28th of October.

  1. Worship- New electronic piano needed, current model has antiquated software not able to update. Piano is starting to have issues such as playing on its own. Council to work on ideas for funds appeal.
  2. Youth- No youth team meeting was held in September. Discussion of options for both current and future plan for youth group leadership with pending departure of Courtney.  Two volunteer adults to lead for time being, but will not be long term.  Council to examine options for potential part or full time position in the future.  All members desire to continue on recent growth and success under Courtney’s devoted leadership.  .
  3. Finances- Suggestion to separate electronic giving on budget to better track trends. More slips for those giving that way needed in pew pads.

The Operating Budget Total Net Income YTD as of September 2018-19FYE        $2,113

The Operating Budget Total Net Income of August 2081-2019           $552

 We did budget for a ($919) Loss YTD and our Actual Income YTD is $2,113

Our church envelope giving is below budget by ($17,592)

  1. Stewardship- Options discussed for encouraging member transition to e-giving, in order to maintain consistency. .

 Social Media- Users up to 181.with 1684 readers this month. Ideas for increased use of main page for youth news and meeting schedules pend. Boost for post related to fall festival received positive feedback.

 Life and Growth Team: Team to meet in near future to discuss plans for comradery building events for church members.

 Council to have morning retreat October 20th.

Old Business

 Endowment Update- Information meeting proposed to share recommendations for revising endowment accounts to have more local outreach focus. Meeting date to be held October 21st in between services, plan to have member vote on October 28th.

 New Sign- Special update by Neil Bjornstad. Committee has made initial investigation into options for sign, suggestions with cost estimates provided for council review.  Issues related to zoning considerations with town and county also to be investigated.  Parking lot may be a higher priority, and was budgeted for this year.

  1. Parking lot resurfacing- Repairs done over the last few months, bids for actual resurfacing portion still being received.
  2. HVAC system-No update.

Closing Prayers

Next Meeting: November 20, 2018