Buildings and Grounds
May 2020 Report
The work on the sanctuary continues. Highlights are as follows:
- John Abraham and Rick Pierre shampooed the carpets.
- Betts Nikolai and Janet Olson are waxing the floors.
- Marie Lesnick had a plaque made to document the memorial gift of the glass cross. It is will be hung between the west windows at the back of the sanctuary.
Sanctuary chairs:
- Darlene has disinfected about 60 of the sanctuary chairs.
- Jan Olson and Pastor Kevin led a team to put the disinfected chairs back into the sanctuary in a configuration to present to Council as an idea for reopening church to services.
- The remainder of the chairs will be set aside and disinfected as needs are identified.
- Oshkosh Heating & Cooling came to evaluate and service our furnaces.
- Brad was present during the evaluations and repairs and a number of issues were discovered, over three (3) separate trips:
- There was no freon present for the office air conditioning and it had to be recharged.
- A control board on one furnace failed and needed to be replaced.
- There were a number of problems identified with various systems. The issues that could not be immediately addressed will have recommendations and quotes issued.
- The two (2) furnaces that supply the gathering area have high carbon monoxide levels. This is likely from a cracked heat exchanger. Quotes are forthcoming.
Retaining pond:
- Dave Klemp identified a potential problem with sludge buildup in the retaining pond. The sludge needs to be removed from the pond and hauled away to ensure that there is not permanent damage that would require extensive repairs to the system. The sludge removal takes 30-40 hours of labor so helpers were recruited including Rick Pierre, Marshal Scheider and Jay Bandstra. Many thanks to this dedicated group of men for their hard work!
Landscaping maintenance
- This is being coordinated by Beverly Raatjes. No issues have been reported. If you would like to help with this effort, please contact Beverly.