November 13, 2018
PRESENT: Neil Bjornstad, Dennis Cartwright, Lou Zwicky, Warren Winter, Daryl Ramlow, Betts Nikolai, Jan Olson
Meeting started at 6:40 pm by reviewing Yearly Maintenance Schedule via the handout/grid. The following changes are made (all under ‘Other’ portion):
3rd line down: typo—Strip & Wax Sanctuary floor
Exterior water valve shut off – add (5) to descriptor
Emergency lighting battery checks – add (15) to descriptor
Add Rooftop Fans in Sanctuary and Kitchen – grease/oil bearings, belt inspection Spring and Fall – assigned to Tim
Rooftop fans in both Sanctuary and Kitchen: Daryl has completed his research and bearings need to be replaced on both units and will be doing that in the near future.
Emergency Lighting: batteries are here and Tim needs to replace those yet
Water softener: 20 bags of salt at Lord of the Lakes. If empty, it takes approximately 10 bags to fill. Betts will add a Usage Chart to be put by softener, so no matter who is filling it, we have a better idea of volume and timeline of needing salt.
Sprinkler Inspection: done on 10/22; found a ‘pin hole’ leak at the east end of the building due to a rusted section of pipe — replaced.
East End outside door: Quotes to-date are to replace door (needs painting on outside) is $1200; frame is what has significant rust on both bottoms and quote to replace frame and door is $3,200. Tim and Jill are continuing to research other companies. Tom Zillges has been in contact w Albright Construction and they are coming to take a look at situation and quote replacement vs repair of frame, see if door really needs to be replaced and also fix wall to right of door. This has been a long-standing issue and needs to be done soon. There are budget monies left to use for the repair.
Painting Hallways: Ray Zegers is scheduled to do that in the near future; to start on the north wall first.
Exterior Faucets: all 5 have been inspected and those that needed repair, have been fixed.
Outdoor Sign: Presentation was made to Council at their Oct. mtg, so they have the print-out and the information and it is now their decision if the initial stage should be done – see Oct. B&G minutes for details. If and when they approve that project, Neil suggests a separate Project Team to oversee it and work with the company awarded the job.
Inside Message Board: 50 inch TVs are reasonable at $500 or less and take a HDMI cable only for installation. We have 3 computers in the office area and Neil needs to do more research re: which is best to pair up with prior to any purchase.
Picnic Tables for Patio: Spring issue—see Oct. B&G minutes for details. Approximate cost should be added to next budget cycle.
HVAC: Gartman Heating out of Oshkosh spent approx. 1 ½ hours at our facility – both Air Handlers are now working and they inspected the system. This company seemed to understand the way it is set-up and how it should work. Tim will be writing a report on the visit for the records and send on to Neil. We will keep Ryf and MCM as local preferred vendors to address issues that they are familiar with and add Gartman as the ‘go to’ vendor for system problems or issues that the local vendors can’t address in the future.
Mulch Fund: Betts reported there was approx. $768 left after the last application and gave Doris permission to use some of that fund for fall fertilization application on lawns. That leaves about $400 left, to be kept aside for additional mulch after winter plowing, etc.
Electrical (starting in kitchen): Daryl has been working diligently and feels we have multiple issues, so far in the kitchen ceiling that are very against code. This is from original building construction in 2004. He is rewiring and adding receptacles. Example: there was one receptacle with 42 wires converging – by code, there should be no more than 13 per receptacle. This is dangerous in giving shocks as well as a fire hazard. Likely there are similar problems throughout the building. Daryl is donating his time and expertise and was encouraged to keep receipts for supplies and turn in for reimbursement.
Firewalled ceilings: it is felt there is insulation lacking in many areas of the ceilings of the kitchen and Sanctuary, thus a huge heat loss. Also, the 5/8-inch drywall/second ceiling was never taped and thus is not properly firewalled. It was concluded that this needs to be further investigated and the expense budgeted for in the next budget cycle.
Active Shooter: given what has happened in varying parts of the US, the question was asked if we as a church have ever addressed preparing for such an event. Neil said Council had asked for a walk-thru by the Winneconne PD a few years ago. Outcome was suggested installation of video cameras and the Council of that era determined to not do that. There were a couple less costly things that were suggested but no follow through ever done.
Solar Energy: Betts was given a hand-out of the possibility of installing a system to use solar power to heat our building. She will have it copied and distribute to B&G members for discussion at next meeting.
Muskrat Sightings: Neil will contact Mark Jozswiak to see if he can trap at the pond.
Budget for 2019: Neil presented a hand-out on budget for present fiscal year and actual year-to-date expenditures through October—there is $7,540 left to work with through Mar. 31, 2019. The next budget cycle will be for 9 months only (4/1 thru 12/31/19) as Council is bringing fiscal year back to coinciding with calendar year. It was suggested, at minimum we use the same numbers as this year but prorated to 9 months plus add $9,000 which is the last quoted price for resurfacing and striping our parking lot next Spring or Summer—a definite need. All team members are asked to bring ‘needs’ that should be added to 2019 budget.
Preferred Vendor List: was reviewed by the group and changes will go to Jill/Ellen to make those changes.
B&G Team listing: everyone made changes to their own listing of phone numbers and email addresses. Along with that changes will be made to the Emergency Contact List.
Betts has been asked by 4-5 members as why a patio was put in and now a planned purchase of a keyboard when we appear to have many ‘needs’ to keep up with our building and ongoing issues? They wonder who makes these decisions? The answer on those two items are: the patio was a project by Men’s Betterment Group and financed by an individual Memorial gift. The keyboard will be purchased thru individual donations rather than taken out of Operations Funds.
It was concluded that perhaps there is a lack of communication on these projects and in general, needs of our church. Neil will talk with Goeff Hendren about this and determine where communication should come from and ways of upgrading communication. Jan and Neil both mentioned a time when we had an ongoing NEEDS vs WISH list and the original process was for various Teams as well as Council to review it yearly. When needs/suggestions for projects or repair vs replacement of Capitol Equipment surface, the NEEDS/WISH LIST should be consulted prior to making a decision. It is unknown if this process was ever followed through or a list even exists at this time. It was also mentioned that this list was intended for use when memorial money use decisions are made by a deceased person’s family.
B&G team members should give this some thought and bring Needs/Wishes to the next meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Next Meeting: December 11 at 6:30. Respectfully submitted, Jan Olson, Secretary of B&G