In the absence of Chairperson Pam Ulness, Pastor Kevin called the meeting to order and opened with prayer.
Present: Dana Hartel, Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Cindy Hendren, Jody Kell, Margaret Kohl, Holly
Nelson, Lani Stanek, and Ellen Smolinski . Geoff Hendren, Craig Kell, and Ray Zegers attended as
The main focus of the meeting was on the seasons of Lent and Easter as follows:
Pastor Kevin mentioned there would be a special evening of prayer with possible prayer stations for
one of the upcoming Wednesday night Lenten services. He also stated there would be no communion
at the Lenten services. After speaking with the group about the difficulty of the sadness and darkness
of the Lenten season, he encouraged members to share suggestions for meaningful worship services
and renewed hope. The following suggestions were made:
Changing the arrangement of room setup such as chairs facing the windows instead of the front
of the sanctuary.
Setting the wooden cross in a conspicuous location where people are reminded of Christ’s
journey and suffering on the cross.
Posting a couple mirrors so people can see their reflection in them, perhaps upon leaving the
sanctuary after worship service.
Handing out small crosses at beginning of services for people to hold in their hand for comfort
and renewed hope. Crosses would be returned at end of service to be used again.
Jody has arranged for a violinist on Easter Sunday and is also working to obtain a trumpeter. The choir
will be singing for both services. As a change, the black draping on the windows will not be done this
year. Other suggestions were as follows:
Constructing a cross of wire on which people can insert personal notes.
Shining a spot light on the wooden cross trimmed with white cloth and lilies or other special
lighting on the altar.
Other thoughts in advance of the summer and Christmas seasons were:
Lani Stanek spoke further of construction that is planned in the village this summer, and it will
most likely be necessary to schedule the summer outdoor service and picnic at the church
because of bridge construction and limited parking in the area of the Nelson’s Wolf River
Resort. The worship service could be held in the gathering area with doors open to the
backyard area to obtain more of an outdoor atmosphere. Picnicking might be done indoors or
outdoors if people are invited to bring their lawn chairs.
During the Advent season, to include a bag with the Advent devotional for the purpose of
returning it with a donation of food or clothing at Christmastime.
No date was set for the next meeting of the Worship Team. Date will be determined. There being no
further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted, Margaret Kohl, Recording Secretary