Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting, August 18, 2017

Attendance: Bill Grau, Ken Mueller, Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Drew Jaeger, Kerry Arent, Geoff  Hendren, Joe Groholski, Wayne Ludkey, Gail Gardner, Kari Nigl

Pastor opened the meeting with a prayer.

Team Reports

Pastor’s Report

-Pastor Kevin updated us on his month.  There will be a new member’s class in September.  Fall is a busy time.

Building & Grounds

-Looking to move forward with getting the cracks filled in the parking lot.  Grant money from the Thrift will be used to start replacing lights with LED.


-Planning will start for the 500th year of the Reformation, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.


-Drew gave us an overview on the Kansas City Mission Trip.  9 youth traveled.  It was a fantastic, challenging success.  How can we get more kids involved?  Courtney is looking at more local, smaller scale community service projects.


-Gail updated council the past monthly finances. It was the best July yet!  Please refer to her report.


-Share and Care Program on hold.

Old Business

Maintenance person position – We have 2 applicants, will be extending an offer next week.

New Business

-Sunday school and Youth update – The new Sunday school program is designed to bring adults into the classrooms and create a bond between kids and adults.  Looking for 2 adults to lead a theme each month.  The details will be sorted out in the next month.

-Electronic giving – Wayne presented the Council with an option through our current vendor, Vanco, called “Giving+ Online.”  This will allow people a very simple option of donating online, through our website.  It does carry slightly higher fees than Simply Giving, but Council voted to move forward with this option.

-Mental health program update – Pastor Kevin will be attending the first meeting on 9/14.  This is a breakthrough concept, and will be one of the first programs of its kind in the country! Looking for volunteers for the team.

-Council retreat – tentative date Saturday morning, 9/30/17. A fun team-building experience!

-Lord of the Lakes outdoor sign – Pastor is checking on bids.

Closing Prayer by Pastor Kevin, Devotion for next meeting – Geoff