Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes                                                     May 27, 2020

Members Present:  Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Wayne Ludkey, Jeff Jahnke, Jan Olson, Gail Gardner, David Wein, Sarah Miller, John Penza, John Macho, Amy Penza and Kristen Bjornstad.

Opening Prayer:  All (Lord’s Prayer)

Meeting Minutes:  John Penza made a motion to approve the minutes from 5/19/20.  John Macho seconded.  Approved

Time and Talents:  Jeff Jahnke will take the suggestions Wayne had regarding the time and talents sheet revisions and will sit down with Jill Templin to create a new form.  He will send out an email to council members for approval.

Buildings and Grounds:  Jeff relayed the council requests regarding the furnace to Kate Pfaendtner and Betts Nikolai.

Youth Group:  Youth team will meet on 6/3/20.  Jeff thinks council should give a statement to the youth group regarding concerns and direction of the group, but the ultimate decision about whether or not kids may attend is up to their parents.  Pastor Kevin stated that he had to sign a waiver at the dentist and we may want to think about doing that at LOL.  Wayne suggested using the phrase, “we are putting confidence in our youth director…” in the statement to parents.  David suggested letting parents know what steps we are taking for the safety of our youth, but the decision is theirs.  Amy said that she is planning, primarily, outside activities as the youth room is too small to maintain distance.

Council statement for youth group parents:  “As the Lord of the Lakes church council, we are putting our confidence in our youth director that she will make a good faith effort to follow CDC guidelines regarding hand sanitizing and other safety recommendations.  Parents should conduct a thorough health screening at home prior to sending children to gatherings.  The ultimate decision to return to youth group activities is the parents’ decision.  Our youth director reserves the right to send children home if they appear unwell.”

All council members approved statement and agreed that the youth group could resume activities after the youth team meets.


 Jeff received an email from Acuity Insurance (LOL liability and building coverage).  He had asked about the church’s liability if there were an outbreak of Covid-19 at LOL.  Causation was discussed.  As an example, did the church cause the outbreak?  Any issues/cases would go to court for a decision.  His recommendation was that we do not need to be worried as long as we continue following sanitary practices/procedures.

3 phase reopening plan being discussed…

Phase I

* Parking lot service (Worship on Wheels or “WOW”)

* FM Transmitter is here.  Wayne and Pastor Kevin set it up today.  Wayne said that it was awesome!   Wayne drove around the parking lot and had great reception (station being used is 105.5).

* 6/7/2020 start date (have FB updated and have Jill get the message out too)

-8:00 am & 10:00 am services

-Need people to park cars and help set up

-park cars perpendicular to current spaces so that everyone will face the front of the building

– Need someone to coordinate teams to get the everything set up

* No communion for first parking lot service (Jan ordered and kits and they will arrive after 6/7)

* Continue sending YouTube messages, but will want to look into doing the live stream option.  Sarah can help with this.

* Jody/music will be from sanctuary

* Pastor Kevin, Jody and Amy may need a radio to follow along with service

* email bulletin to congregation (put electronic giving info at bottom of bulletin)

* offering basket/box at exit (as cars exit the parking lot)

Wayne added that we can find other uses for the FM transmitter.  Pastor Kevin suggested continuing to transmit the service even once we have moved to Phase II.

Jeff asked for a volunteer to be the parking lot coordinator.  John M. asked how many people would be needed (Jeff figured 4 per service and suggested looking to the usher teams for help).  John M. volunteered to coordinate.  Pastor Kevin and John M. will meet to discuss the set-up for WOW.

Wayne will take care of the sound and Jill Templin will email the bulletin.

Jan asked if we will be singing.  Pastor Kevin said that while we are in the parking lot (in cars), we will be singing.

John P. asked if the bathroom inside the church would be accessible during service.  Pastor Kevin said that the doors will be open; we will limit the number of people and have sanitizer available.  Jan suggested a maximum of 2 people in the bathroom (or a single family unit) and a requirement that all children must be accompanied.

Jeff asked for council to meet again on 6/10/2020 to evaluate the parking lot service and plan for Phase II.

Phase II

* Mobile hand sanitizer dispensers are due to arrive around July 16th.

* Bring people back inside the building

-sanctuary set up for 64 people with spacing between family groups

-ushers may need to manage seating

-additional people may be seated in the gathering area if needed

* Stick with 8:00 am & 10:00 am service times

* Outside service?

* Communion

-individual kits vs table set up with wafers and individual cups

* Take reservations?

* Limit number of people per service?

* Need some new teams

– sanitation team

– communion team

-use new, updated time and talents sheets to determine team members

* Aim for 7/5 start date

Phase III

* Our “New Normal”

* Aim for 8/2 start date

Jeff wants us to think about the adjustments we will be making and which are temporary and which we will keep in place…


            Now (list adjustment)                                                                        Future (keep or remove)

             Phase II—switch to bulletin on video                                                Keep (no more paper waste)


Sarah asked which teams will be meeting?  Youth Team will be meeting for sure.

Pastor added that it looks like the June (men’s) bible study on the boat will proceed as planned.  Steve Phillips said that he would still do it and can fit about 10 people on his boat.

After the youth resume activities, Pastor Kevin said that he plans to finish meeting with confirmation students one-on-one.  A September/October confirmation service is being planned.

Wayne suggested bringing the Worship Team up to speed on the changes that are being made and possibly get them involved.

Sarah asked about flower donations.  Pastor Kevin said that those can resume once we are back inside the building.

John Penza and David Wein made a motion to adjourn.  Wayne Ludkey seconded.

Closing Prayer – Pastor Kevin

 Next Meeting:  6/10/2020 at 6:30 p.m.