Pastor Kevin called the meeting to order and opened with prayer.

Present: Dana Hartel, Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Jody Kell, Margaret Kohl, Lani Stanek, and Pam Ulness. Sarah Miller attended as a guest.

Absent: Valerie Gulke, Holly Nelson, Ellen Smolinski, and Kristen Woods


The main focus of the meeting was on the upcoming months of the autumn season. Discussion was as follows:


Sunday, July 15 - Since parking around The Wolf River Inn is limited because of the bridge
and street construction, the outdoor worship service and picnic lunch will be held at the church
this year. Worship will be held in the Gathering Area with doors open to the back yard area, if
weather permits. The potluck picnic is to be served inside. People are invited to bring their
lawn chairs and eat outside or, if preferred, can eat inside, too.
Month of August – Pastor Kevin will be on sabbatical leave for the entire month.

Month of September – Pastor Kevin is planning to present a series on “Happiness” at the
weekly worship service—what it means to be happy and, furthermore, joyful. Songs of joy will
be sung and other ideas might be to use the “smiley face” theme by using smiley face stickers
and decorations. Suggestion was to use colorful altar colors and ribbon banners during this
time. Sarah Miller also mentioned she may be able to draw peoples’ attention to this worship
series and theme on the Lord of the Lakes Facebook web page.
Pastor Kevin mentioned that a fund raiser event is currently being planned for the end of

Sunday, Sept. 9 – Start of Sunday School with Rally Day. Jody is also planning a special
musical service.

Month of October – An updated church directory and photo book will be in progress during
this month. Pastor Kevin stated that another weekly series at worship services may focus on a
“harvest” theme. This matter will be discussed further at the next meeting of the Worship

Looking Ahead to the Thanksgiving and Christmas Seasons – Thanksgiving season will be
discussed further at the next meeting. Chairperson Pam Ulness mentioned that the Advent
Season begins the first week in December. Also, Jody let the team know that she and Valerie
Gulke are planning to use a “Candy Cane” theme, portraying its Christian meaning, for
decorations and include it in some manner during the worship services in December.
Regarding further business, Margaret Kohl suggested that, whenever possible, it is better to have a
familiar opening hymn at the beginning of our worship services. She also mentioned a familiar
song/hymn encourages people to sing and quite often sets the tone of the worship service. A brief
discussion occurred during which Jody explained how the first hymn is often selected, and that she tries
to coordinate with what the Guitar Band has learned and plays as a prelude to the service. Her hope is
to familiarize worshipers with new songs/hymns.

There being no further business, the meeting was closed with prayer by Pastor Kevin. The next
meeting of the Worship Team is scheduled for Tuesday, October 23, 2018 at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Margaret Kohl, Recording Secretary