The meeting was called to order and opened with a prayer by Pastor Kevin.

In Attendance: Dana Hartel, Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Jody Kell, Margaret Kohl, Mary Mueller, Holly Nelson, Ellen Smolinski, Lani Stanek, and Pam Ulness.
The following topics were discussed by the group:

Summer Outdoor Worship Service and Picnic:

 Group decided to, again, schedule an outdoor worship service followed by a picnic lunch at the Wolf River House on Sunday, July 16th. Specifics will follow.

Summer Worship Service in Gathering Area:

 The possibility of having a worship service this summer in the Gathering Area was again discussed. If weather and insects permit, the back doors may be opened for more of an outdoor atmosphere. The idea was favorable with the group.

Special Music during Summer Months:

 Discussion focused on “special” music during the summertime worship services. Jody’s idea of singing familiar hymns as suggested by worshipers at the service was favorably accepted. Jody offered to work out the details.

 Pastor Kevin, again, encouraged Jody to have the youth or younger children participate musically in the summer worship service.

 Special vocal or instrumental music by church members or outside individuals/groups is also encouraged.

Christmas in July Tree for Charity Purpose:

 It was suggested we again have the “Christmas in July” project using a Christmas tree or, possibly, a palm tree instead. Shells might be included as ornaments along with the tags for people to purchase/provide needed items for the chosen charity. Holly Nelson mentioned she could provide the shells for decoration. The ladies who previously worked on this project may be willing to do so again, but contact would have to be made with them.

Possible Service Project Incorporated with Worship Service:

 Pastor Kevin brought up the possibility of seeking a need in the community and doing a service project during the Sunday morning worship services. He asked the group to give this further thought for variety in worship. It could be done at both services, just the late service or, perhaps, during the Coffee Fellowship time.

Celebration of the Reformation:

 The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation is being celebrated this year and the ELCA Synod is encouraging congregations to schedule relative events. Reformation Sunday is October 29.

 A skit depicting the posting of the 95 Theses by Martin Luther was again discussed and could be presented on Reformation Sunday involving two or three church members as the characters. Pastor Kevin volunteered to speak with individuals who might be willing to participate in this skit.

 If Lord of the Lakes enters a float in the 50th Anniversary Sovereign State Parade this summer, it was suggested that it have a Reformation theme. This has not been done in recent years, however, a group to work on this project would definitely be required if we do so.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned and Pastor Kevin closed with prayer. The next meeting of the Worship Team is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 26, 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Margaret Kohl, Secretary