Buildings and Ground Minutes
March 7, 2023
PRESENT: Ben Manning, Brian Bliske, Mary Beth McKee, Rick Pierre, Lou Zwicky, Sharon Doyle
Ben opened the meeting at 4:20 pm
Report from Church Council meeting, Tuesday February 21, 2023, presented by Mary Beth McKee
1) Church Council members approved “go ahead” for B&G to send their proposal to contract with Witzke Electric to change-over all 10 parking lot lights to LED at a cost of $3500 to the Business Management Team (BMT) in order for them to determine how and when the Church will be able to appropriate the necessary funds for the work.
2) Church Council members voted to create a “designated fund” account, titled HVAC, and transfer $14,400 to that account.
3) Church Treasurer, Tennille Peterson, requested that the B&G Team and all Church Teams create a list of future “Needs, Wants, and Dreams” with the goal of creating a budget plan for the future needs of the Church.
Discussion of the above:
The B&G members present at the meeting and Jan Olson via email agreed that the following projects, currently in discussion, be on the list of Needs: 1) Parking Lot Lights, 2) Basement Furnaces and 3) Power Washing the Steeple. B&G will wait until the next meeting to discuss this in more detail when, hopefully, Brad Gasper the Church’s general maintenance man will be in attendance.
As for Wants and Dreams, the attending members and Jan Olson, via email, agreed this will require further investigation and discussion to include the list of Buildings and Grounds Furnishings Inventory – February 2023, created by Jan Olson and the Capitol Equipment Inventory that Kevin Franz has agreed to create.
Prayer Garden Benches
Sharon Doyle contracted with Wausau Tile for 2 – 1800lb, dark gray, concrete benches for the Prayer Garden patio to be delivered in early May before the dedication ceremony on June 11, 2023. Sharon spoke with Brad Gasper to arrange for the actual placement of the benches on the patio when they are delivered by Wausau Tile. Funding for the benches came from the fund to create the Prayer Garden along with proceeds from Thrift and Gift.
Garden Maintenance
Sharon suggested we create a sub-committee for Garden Maintenance as the new prayer garden will need “extra” attention until the plantings get well established. She will speak with Beverly Raatjes, who has been attending the gardens for many years, about organizing this group.
Miscellaneous Discussions
Sharon asked who cleans the church windows as they looked like they could use some attention.
Rick Pierre asked if there was a date set to install the new entryway carpet and offered his assistance. Mary Beth reported that the project is on hold until John Abraham recovers his strength from having had a stroke.
Ben Manning will take down the ornamental tree that is partially blocking the new sign sometime this spring/summer and get some fill for holes in the lawn area.
Sharon asked if there was interest in having some low maintenance flowers/plants around the new sign. She will talk with Beverly about some ideas and present this at a later date.
Ben asked about who was responsible for the maintenance of the Harbor Village sign by the road as it is looking quite shabby. There was discussion that Harbor Village owns the sign but the Church had possibly agreed to maintain it. Ben will investigate further.
Meeting adjourned at 5:00pm
Next Meeting: April 4, 2023 at 4:00pm