Due to the weather the meeting was cancelled and we held and electronic meeting. This is a compilation of all ideas and we’ll be meeting in March to conclude.
Present: Dana Hartel, Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Margaret Kohl, Ellen Smolinski, Lani Stanek, Pam Ulness, and Kristen Woods. Cindy Hendren, Jody Kell
Absent: Valerie Gulke, and Holly Nelson.
Pastor Kevin announced that he will be doing a series on “love” and healthy love relationships in our lives. This will include: disappointment, boundaries, strengthening current relationships etc. Asked for ideas of how to drive this home via visual or other-during worship services. Jody has love songs all picked out.
Regarding Lent and Easter Season
• March 6th is Ash Wednesday, Stations of the cross with the chicken wire cross discussed.
• Discussed having the service include posting messages to “give to the cross” and them physically put them on the crosses.
• A second option would be to have the dissolving paper to symbolize “letting go” during lent.
• First Presbyterian will join us and throughout all our Lenten services. In return on Good Friday First Pres has a cantata we are all invited to attend. So that will be our Good Friday Service
• Easter & Easter morning service (We are hoping to have the youth run the Easter Breakfast this year, between services. May consider setting tables up in Sunday School rooms to accommodate a large attendance.
• Discussed having the blackened windows than taking them down during Easter service, thoughts were that it is too hodgepodge so if done maybe preplan on how to take them down.
• Jody may not be here for service due to her pregnancy, in preparation she has all the songs picked out and Tammy is aware of the songs as she will be Jody’s back up.
• The choir is scheduled to sing, along with the bells and violin, and they all know it may or may not happen, depending on the arrival of Jody’s babies.
• Jody reported that Tammy Wright is all lined up to sub for her when the babies arrive, she anticipates 4 weeks off if she has a trouble-free natural birth or 6-8 weeks if she has a C-section or complications.
• The discussion of sharing peace and communion was brought up again. Ideas include moving the sharing peace to the end of service or omitting it during this cold and flu season. It was felt by some that it is too disturbing to move it to the end, and rather opt to have more hand sanitizers around the sanctuary to give people the option to sanitize before communion.

• Next meeting scheduled March 26 at 6:30pm


Respectfully submitted,
Ellen Smolinski