Sunday School & Vacation Bible School


Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Lord of the Lakes offers Vacation Bible School during summer break. Vacation Bible School is open to any child in the community that is in 4K-5th grade that wishes to participate.


VBS for 2024 will be held August 12-15th from 9:00am – 12:00. Cost is $20/child and $50/family of 3 or more. 



Sunday School is from 9:05am to 9:45am  ~  children Age 4 – 5th grade.

Welcome to the Lord of the Lakes Sunday School Program!



Sunday School Goals

  • To bring the good news of Jesus Christ to all children.
  • To support and develop staff and parents so we can sustain our high caliber programs into the
  • future.
  • To have substantial parent involvement and excellent communication.
  • To create a program where the children feel valued and have fun so they can’t wait to come
  • back each week.
  • To continue to grow our enrollment by encouraging opportunities to bring others into the
  • program.
  • To provide education of the Bible through learning expectations per grade level.
  • To provide children with lasting adult and child friendships grounded in good Christian beliefs.
  • To provide a balanced approach to learning through:
    • Classroom study/activities
    • Music
    • Outreach/service to others
    • Worship service opportunities

Parent Volunteer Opportunities

It takes a lot of man power to run a Sunday School program. There are many opportunities with different commitment levels to take advantage of. Volunteers do not have to be a Sunday School parent to help: all are welcome. Volunteer opportunities include: Crafts, Christmas Program Team, Volunteer in the classroom- ask the teacher where help is needed

Classroom Assignments and Teachers

• Roster of students will be shared with teachers

• Assigned grade will be posted on classroom doors

• If class sizes are small, they may need to be combined with another grade

Curriculum and Benchmarks- SPARK-Activate Faith

Throughout the school year the following will be taught with our students:

Pre‐Kindergarten (3/4yr olds):   “This Little Light of Mine” & “Jesus Loves Me”

Kindergarten & 1st grade:  The Lord’s Prayer

2nd & 3rd grade:  Learn how to use the Bible and The Ten Commandments

4th & 5th Grade:  The Apostles Creed and review all previous benchmarks

Children singing performances

Children’s Christmas Program, Easter program, and other services

Christmas Program

• Early commitment to participate is encouraged to help with planning parts; we are requesting a decision by the first Sunday in October

• Parts are assigned : speaking parts are given to older children first, non‐speaking parts and behind the scenes help is usually needed

• Songs will be taught during Sunday School hour

• Parents are asked to assist child in learning parts

• Safety and Health

• Please fill out registration forms accurately as these forms are kept in the office

    • ­ Parent/guardian cell numbers
    • ­ Emergency contacts
    • ­ Allergy information
    • ­ Any other special concerns/information about child that would be useful to teachers

• Parents are always welcome to visit the classroom

• Parents are encouraged to bring any concerns to a Coordinator or the Youth Programs Staff

Church Manners

Each Sunday we come to church to worship our Lord.  It is a great time for learning about God’s Word and fellowship.  However, it is important for us to use our “Church Manners” when we are in the Lord’s House. The idea is that the children will not only practice these in Sunday School, but also in church. What are “Church Manners”?  It’s really simple – just need to remember the following:

Respect – Respect for the church, Respect for your teachers, and Respect for each other. What does this mean?  Walking in the hallway, using a good level voice, listening while your teachers/pastor are talking, and keeping your hands/feet/etc to yourself.

Participate –

Participate in the church service, Participate in class. What does this mean?  Try to sing along with the hymns, follow the scripture in your bulletin or on the screen, pay attention during church service and Sunday School. Participate in class activities and discussions.

Preparation –

Prepare to listen and learn about God’s Word. What does this mean?  Make sure you’ve used the restroom, picked up your snack, practiced your memory work, and are ready for class to begin promptly at 9:00.  We only have 45 minutes and each minute counts.  Unnecessary distractions are disruptive and are not fair to the rest of the class.


Coordinator: Sarah Walsh        Email: