Our Staff
We are a family of faith, celebrating Jesus Christ at work in our lives and actively inviting others to do the same.Ellen Smolinski
Office Administrator
Ellen’s office hours are Monday and Tuesday from 8am – 2pm, Thursday 8am to noon. We have a wonderful staff and excellent volunteers. Please feel free to stop in, call 582-2622 or email office@lordofthelakes anytime!
Gail Gardner
Office Administrator
Gails hours are Wednesday and Thursday from 8am – 2pm. We have a wonderful staff and excellent volunteers. Please feel free to stop in, call 582-2622 or email office@lordofthelakes anytime!
Ryan Otto
Youth Ministry Leader
The church office hours are Monday thru Wednesday from 8am – 3pm, Thursday 8am to noon. We have a wonderful staff and excellent volunteers. Please feel free to stop in, call 582-2622 or email office@lordofthelakes anytime!
Jody Kell
Music Director
You will find Jody on Sunday mornings at the 8am & 10am Worship services at the piano. In addition, she is at church throughout the week for rehearsals: bells, band, choir, guitar band, praise team and special music. Specific times can be found in the newsletter and calendar. Jody can be reached at opie54927@yahoo.com or 920-420-5521.