
Jesus said, “Give to others, and God will give to you. Indeed, you will receive a full measure, a generous helping, poured into your hands—all that you can hold. The measure you use for others is the one that God will use for you.”  – Luke 6:38

Every day we are surrounded by the blessings of the Lord. Many of those generous gifts need funding to multiply God’s goodness.

Your monetary gift to Lord of the Lakes helps the church and community in so many ways. Church operations, outreach, our youth programs, Sunday School supplies, the music program, local food banks, ELCA missions and disaster relief are some of the programs funded by your gifts.

Our secure online giving option below makes it easy to give with a credit/debit card or even directly from your checking or savings account. Simply select the fund for your donation, choose the frequency of the donation and how much you wish to donate. If you wish to create a recurring donation (for weekly or monthly general offering as an example), you will need to create an account by clicking on the “Sign In/Sign Up” link.  This will allow you to log in to see your giving history.  You do not need to sign in for one-time donations.  If you currently are a Simply Giving user, you do not need to Sign Up.


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