Worship Assistant's
Worship Assistant’s Roles
Our Worship Assistant Schedules are made out on a quarterly basis. We do our best to rotate our volunteers as much as possible. If you are unable to make the service you are scheduled for, please find a replacement. This is a vital part of the Lord of the Lakes ministry & we so much appreciate your willingness to assist on Sunday mornings!
Readers Reading the First Lesson at our Worship Services is not just a task, but we view it as a ministry to the whole congregation. The office will send you a copy of the reading early in the week so that you can prepare yourself ahead of time. There is also a copy of the reading at the lecturn. Thank you for sharing in the reading ministry.
Greeter As a Greeter, you are often times the first person (#1) people see when visiting our wonderful place of worship! You are the first ambassador of Christ’s love for the people who are entering our doors; whether they are new or attend every Sunday! Your greeting is vital to our ministries! So, smile! Say, “Good morning. It’s great to see you.” If they are first-time visitors, direct them to the Sanctuary. Please arrive about 20 minutes before worship begins. Thank you for being a Greeter, the #1 person in the church!
Communion Assistant Communion Assistants help distribute the wine. Pastor will ask the Assistants to come forward at the appropriate time. The Pastor will hand you two cups; wine and juice. When the wafer is dipped into the cup, the Assistant says, “The blood of Christ, shed for you”. Two Assistants are scheduled for every service. If you see a need for a extra assistant to come forward – please do so. Thank you for your support in this Ministry.
Coffee Fellowship Crew The Coffee Fellowship team is our Sunday morning hospitality group who serves coffee and snacks between services (9am – 10am). There is a Chairperson and a few helpers for each Sunday. Please arrive at church by 7:30am to make coffee and set up before the 8am worship. The Chairperson contacts the helpers midweek and asks them to bring one item – bakery, fruit, or cheese and crackers. The Chair is to purchase two gallons of juice drink- the receipt can be submitted for reimbursement. This team begins cleanup by 9:45am. Thank you for “Serving”!
Ushers The Usher schedule is set up to usher one month at a time. The Usher Schedule and complete list of duties are in the Usher cabinet in the Sanctuary. Ushers arrive at church 30 minutes prior to Worship. They turn on the lights, hand out the bulletins and assist people looking for seats. As the service begins with announcements, Ushers hand the Friendship pads to the first person in each canter aisle. At the Offering time, the Usher will handle the offering plates starting at the front of the church. At the direction of the Pastor, an Usher takes the collection plates to the front and give to the Pastor. At Communion, begin ushering the people forward starting with the first row. At the end of the service, collect the Friendship pads and check for personal items left behind. Be alert for anyone needing assistance. Thank you to all who have volunteered to serve our Lord with this important service to our church.